Twitch Stream upload order
1) Playing with , Physics, wFriends (2017 08 07 00_00_00) Lethal League
2) Nepbike and Chill (2017 08 12 00_00_00) Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls
3) Nep, tier useless? (2017 08 13 00_00_00) Love Kami
4) More Riding Nep (2017 08 19 00_00_00) Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls
5) Time for the finale. Maybe? (2017 08 20 00_00_00) Love Kami
6) Nep it up! (2017 08 26 00_00_00) Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls
7) Lewding poor nekos… (2017 08 27 00_00_00) Nekopara Volume 3
8) PUB Weeb (2017 09 01 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
9) “Art”, pure “Art” (2017 09 02 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 4
10) Nekopara time (2017 09 03 00_00_00) Nekopara Volume 3
11) Variety Games (2017 09 08 00_00_00) Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
Variety Games (2) (2017 09 08 00_00_01) Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
12) Neko Love Time (2017 09 11 00_00_00) Nekopara Volume 3
13) Accel world vs SAO!? (2017 09 13 00_00_00) Accel world VS Sword Art Online: Chitose no Tasogare
14) Fighting for that chicken dinner (2017 09 16 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
15) Becoming the ultimate pastry puffer (2017 09 17 00_00_00) Nekopara Volume 3
16) Ninja Boobies (2017 09 19 00_00_00) Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
17) WeebG (2017 09 20 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
18) PUBBING IT (2017 09 24 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
19) SAO and the pleb accel world (2017 09 26 00_00_00) Accel world VS Sword Art Online: Chitose no Tasogare
20) Weebg memes (2017 09 29 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
21) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness!!!! (2017 09 30 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness ✓(on youtube:
22) RWBY Chibi Reaction (2017 10 01 00_00_00) RWBY Chibi Reaction
23) Rabi Ribi (2017 10 02 00_00_00) Rabi Ribi
24) Live #NobleSenpai (2017 10 05 00_00_00) #AskNobleSenpai
25) Anime Mario?! (2017 10 07 00_00_00) A Hat in Time
26) RWBY Chibi Season 2! (2017 10 08 00_00_00) RWBY Chibi Reaction
27) We Need MORE DOOR (bad pun) (2017 10 12 00_00_00) Middle, earth: Shadow of Mordor
28) We Need MORE DOOR (bad pun) (2017 10 15 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
29) More Best Route (2017 10 16 00_00_00) A Hat in Time
30) Party Games!! (2017 10 21 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 4
31) Party Games!! (2017 10 23 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
32) Pubweeb (2017 10 25 00_00_00) Destiny 2
33) Mario Playing Mario (2017 10 28 00_00_00) Super Mario Odyssey
34) Rurururururururururiko! (2017 10 30 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
35) Luigi Time! (2017 10 31 00_00_00) Super Mario Odyssey
36) Beating Mario! (2017 11 04 00_00_00) Super Mario Odyssey
37) So why does everyone want me to play this? (2017 11 05 00_00_00) Doki Doki Literature Club ✓ (on youtube:
38) My own original SANIC CHARACTER?! (2017 11 07 00_00_00) Sonic Forces
39) Onto the next waifu! (2017 11 09 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
40) Doki Doki Bois (2017 11 11 00_00_00) Doki Doki Literature Club
41) Stupid weeb noise: The game (2017 11 12 00_00_00) Nioh
42) THIS IS NOT FOR THE EASILY DISTURBED , Ep 2 , Doki Doki Literature Club (on youtube:, 65da7WYTSlcZA8BvBjfbnKutTtn2)
43) Stur Wurs (2017 11 14 00_00_00) Star Wars Battlefront II
44) Memes and Fun (2017 11 17 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 3
45) Everything’s fine. This is fine. (2017 11 19 00_00_00) Doki Doki Literature Club (on youtube:, 65da7WYTSlcZA8BvBjfbnKutTtn2)
46) Princess Evangile loli love (2017 11 19 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
47) Princess Evangile loli love (2017 11 24 00_00_00) Black Desert
48) RWBY reaction and thoughts fun fun fun (2017 11 25 00_00_00) (RWBY Volume 5: Yang Character Short)
49) Doggy End? (2017 11 26 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
50) Weebg (2) (2017 11 27 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
51) Weebg (3) (2017 11 28 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
52) Final Fantasy Pokemon (2017 11 30 00_00_00) World of Final Fantasy
53) Plebbb G unit (2017 12 01 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
54) Doki Doki Extra (2017 12 02 00_00_00) Doki Doki Literature Club
55) Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017 12 03 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
56) Akward loli (2017 12 05 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness, Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
57) Quality Nintendo Anime Plot (2017 12 06 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
58) Poppi Best Robot Maid (2017 12 07 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
59) Lily Visual Novel! (2017 12 09 00_00_00) Dawn of Lily (on youtube:, 65da7WZDj30loJfIaMrAnVfcH5o_)
60) Xenoboobies (2017 12 10 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
61) New Girl Time! (2017 12 12 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
62) MOAR XENOXENOPOPPI (2017 12 13 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
63) Party fun memeing time (2017 12 15 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 3
64)The most salty game ever (2017 12 16 00_00_00) Getting Over It
65) Back to the poppi (2017 12 17 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
66) More Tsun Tsun (2017 12 19 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
67) Why am I doing this? (2017 12 21 00_00_00) Getting Over It
68) Chill Xenoblading (2017 12 22 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
69) Chill Xenoblading (Player Unknown’s Battleground) (2017 12 23 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
70) Weebgee (2017 12 25 00_00_00) VRChat
71) VR chat with weebs round 2 (2017 12 27 00_00_00) VRChat
72) VR chat with weebs round 2 (2017 12 28 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness
73) I shouldnt be doing this again (2017 12 29 00_00_00) VRChat
74) A new year celebration (2017 12 31 00_00_00) VRChat
75) Xenoblading some more (2018 01 01 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
76) I ‘m getting more physical (2018 01 03 00_00_00) VRChat
77) New computer and 60 fps memes (2018 01 05 00_00_00) VRChat
78) Weeb, Gee (2018 01 06 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
79) VR Chatting and being awkward with awkward people in anime avatars (2018 01 07 00_00_00) VRChat
80) Why do I keep playing this? (2018 01 09 00_00_00) VRChat
81) Finishing the waifu route! (2018 01 11 00_00_00) Princess Evangile w/Hapiness, Overwatch
82) Neko Nia Best Neko (2018 01 12 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
83) VRchatting awkwardly (2018 01 13 00_00_00) VRChat
84) VRchatting like a baws (2018 01 15 00_00_00) VRChat
85) Party Games! (2018 01 18 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 3
86) I have become Lily! (2018 01 19 00_00_00) VRChat
87) Xenobabs (2018 01 20 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
88) Lily VrChat (2018 01 21 00_00_00) VRChat
89) I talk to people. But not in real life (2018 01 23 00_00_00) VRChat
90) Anime Punss the Game? (2018 01 25 00_00_00) Zwei, Jackbox party pack 3
91) Duragonu Buallzu (2018 01 26 00_00_00) Dragon Ball Fighter Z
92) RWBY Vol5 Reaction (2018 01 27 00_00_00) RWBY Reaction
93) VRChat Making Plays and Memes (2018 01 28 00_00_00) VRChat
94) XenoXenoXenoXenoXenoblade (2018 10 31 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
95) VRChat Exploring (2018 02 01 00_00_00) VRChat
96) VRChat Adventures (2018 02 02 00_00_00) VRChat
97) Party Taimu! (2018 02 03 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 4
98) Superbowl? What’s that. Is it tasty? (2018 02 04 00_00_00) VRChat
99) Weebg (4) (2018 02 06 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
100) Lily Updated 2.0 (2018 02 07 00_00_00) VRChat
101) Nia is mai waifu (2018 02 09 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
102) Shooting girls with love in VR (2018 02 10 00_00_00) (VR) VRChat
103) RPing with Friends (2018 02 11 00_00_00) VRChat
104) PUBG with birthday girl and friends (2018 02 13 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
105) Trying to get a virtual gf cause I cant get a real one (2018 02 14 00_00_00) VRChat
106) Reliving some old childhood (2018 02 15 00_00_00) Secret of Mana
107) Weekend fun (2018 02 17 00_00_00) VRChat
108) Neko Ninjas (2018 02 18 00_00_00) NEKO, NIN exHeart, Jackbox party pack 4
109) Vrchatting up (2018 02 20 00_00_00) VRChat
110) Xenoblade! (2018 02 21 00_00_00) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
111) We are the new Kirito (2018 02 23 00_00_00) Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
112) This game is actually fun (2018 02 24 00_00_00) Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
113) NEKO NINJAS ARE GO! (plus big game giveaway) (2018 02 26 00_00_00) NEKO, NIN exHeart
114) PEWPEWPEWPEW (2018 02 27 00_00_00) Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
115) NEP NEP NEP (2018 02 28 00_00_00) Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
116) NEP NEP NEP (02) (2018 03 02 00_00_00) Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
117) We’re back in it (2018 03 03 00_00_00) VRChat
118) NEKOOOOOOOS (2018 03 05 00_00_00) NEKO, NIN exHeart
119) Vert step away from the lolis (2018 03 06 00_00_00) Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
120) The Best Shooter of the Year game (2018 03 07 00_00_00) Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash
121) Yarrr we going for anime booty! (2018 03 09 00_00_00) Sea of Thieves
122) Getting wet with Friends (2018 03 10 00_00_00) Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash
123) CyberNEP (2018 03 12 00_00_00) Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
124) CyberNEP (2018 03 13 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
125) N, nekos baka! (2018 03 14 00_00_00) NEKO, NIN exHeart
126) Socializing with webs (2018 03 15 00_00_00) VRChat
127) Tropical Liquor! Match puzzles for waifus! (2018 03 17 00_00_00) Tropical Liquor
128) Neps Online (2018 03 18 00_00_00) Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
129) Time to RP and Explore Weebland (2018 03 19 00_00_00) VRChat
130) We getting booty! Maybe anime booty too yar!!! (2018 03 20 00_00_00) Sea of Thieves
131) Yo ho ho, gimmie booty (2018 03 21 00_00_00) Sea of Thieves
132) Weebwatch (2018 03 22 00_00_00) Overwatch, Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
133) I have been waiting so long for this! (2018 03 23 00_00_00) Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
134) Time to build my kingdom (2018 03 24 00_00_00) Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
135) Time to become an anime girl (2018 03 25 00_00_00) VRChat
136) Neptunia finale (2018 03 27 00_00_00) 4 Goddesses Online
137) Noble B, day Variety Stream (2018 03 29 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, Far Cry 5
138) Kuni no nico nico nii (new Gasm emote) (2018 03 30 00_00_00) Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
139) Why am I doing this to myself? (2018 03 31 00_00_00) Getting Over It
140) I am Lily (New emotes!!!) (2018 04 01 00_00_00) VRChat
141) Neppu finale… probably (2018 04 13 00_00_00) Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
142) VRchat memes and talent show? (2018 04 04 00_00_00) VRChat
143) Chill Comfy Ni No Kuni 2 (2018 04 05 00_00_00) Ni no Kuni II: Revenant
144) Party and Meme time (2018 04 07 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 4
145) Hey I like anime wanna be friends? (2018 04 08 00_00_00) VRChat
146) PubWeeb (2018 04 09 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
147) Ovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverwatch new event (maybe ni no kuni afterward) (2018 04 10 00_00_00) Overwatch
148) Shooting harem girls with my love (Gal Gun 2 on Switch) (2018 04 11 00_00_00) Gal Gun
149) It’s VR time (New Avatar) (2018 04 13 00_00_00) VRChat
150) Galgunning for Hunnies (2018 04 14 00_00_00) Gal Gun
151) Nico Nico Ni No Kuni 2 (2018 04 15 00_00_00) Ni no Kuni II: Revenant
152) Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr chat (500 bits for a dolla?) (2018 04 16 00_00_00) VRChat
153) PUBG Weeb Edition (2018 04 18 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, Fornite, Overwatch
154) You guys edit my video (2018 04 19 00_00_00) Noble editing a #Ask Noble Senpai with twitch chat
155) 100% Salt Juice (2018 04 20 00_00_00) 100% Orange Juice
156) Galgunning Pew Pew Love me Lasers (2018 04 21 00_00_00) Gal Gun
157) Exploring the VR Lands (2018 04 22 00_00_00) VRChat
158) Exploring the VR Lands (2018 04 23 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
159) Are we getting betrayed by the president? (2018 04 25 00_00_00) Ni no Kuni II: Revenant
160) A whole new game boys! (2018 04 26 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
161) Checking out the updates and stuff (2018 04 27 00_00_00) VRChat
162) Lily time! (2018 04 29 00_00_00) VRChat
163) Beating Ni No Kuni 2! (Song Requests On) (2018 04 30 00_00_00) Ni no Kuni II: Revenan
164) PUBG elite anime skillz (2018 05 01 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
165) Social Noble Interations (2018 05 03 00_00_00) VRChat
166) Neko Ninjas the 2nd Nekoing (2018 05 04 00_00_00) NEKO, NIN exHeart 2
167) Bad Mom Adventures (2018 05 05 00_00_00) 1: 00:20:34 VRChat
2: 00:08:02
3: 01:47:42
168) VR Shennanigans (2018 05 07 00_00_00) VRChat
169) Pew Pew shooty guys (2018 05 08 00_00_00) Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
170) Starting up a new game (2018 05 09 00_00_00) Persona 5 (FINDING OUT WHY EVERYONE CALLS THIS THE BEST JRPG EVER , Ep 1 , Persona 5)
171) Casual Lily (2018 05 10 00_00_00) VRChat
172) Persona Fiver (2018 05 11 00_00_00) Persona 5 (THINGS JUST GOT WAY TOO REAL! , Ep 2 , Persona 5)
173) Persona Fiver (2018 05 12 00_00_00) VRChat
174) PERSONAAAAAAAA 5 (2018 05 14 00_00_00) Persona 5 (THIS CAT NOW CONTROLS MY LIFE! , Ep 3 , Persona 5)
175) Nekonin bunny neko girl? (2018 05 15 00_00_00) 1: 00:54:54 NEKO, NIN exHeart 2
2: 01:32:24
176) Cute Moe Witches (2018 05 16 00_00_00) Little Witch Academia: Toki no Maho to Nana Fushigi
177) Persona 5 Kamoshida butt kickin (2018 05 17 00_00_00) Persona 5 (ONE OF THE BEST BOSSFIGHTS I’VE EVER PLAYED! , Ep 4 , Persona 5)
178) Lily Adventures Woooooooo (2018 05 18 00_00_00) VRChat
179) Beat Saber. A Lightsaber Osu game now with weeb songs (2018 05 19 00_00_00) Beat Saber
180) Casual VrChat (2018 05 20 00_00_00) VRChat
181) After Kamoshida’s defeat. (2018 05 21 00_00_00) Persona 5 (GETTING CLOSER TO DR. LEGS , Ep 5 , Persona 5)
182) Returning to my very first YouTube video roots (Noble Story Time) (2018 05 23 00_00_00) 1: 00:05:12 Hearstone
2: 00:01:10
3: 03:48:19
183) RWBY Chibi Reaction Season 3 (Sellout Sunday) (2018 05 27 00_00_00) RWBY Chibi Reaction, Sellout Sunday
184) Talk to me about the con and hearthstone! (2018 05 29 00_00_00) Hearstone
185) IM BACK BABY (2018 06 01 00_00_00) Persona 5 (SOMEBODY IS STALKING ANN! , Ep 6 , Persona 5)
186) Osu Saber (2018 06 02 00_00_00) Beat Saber
187) Sellout Sunday Funday (2018 06 03 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
188) The Return to VRChat (2018 06 04 00_00_00) VRChat
189) You’ll never see it comiiiiiiiiiiiiing (2018 06 06 00_00_00) Persona 5 (HE WANTS A NUDE PAINTING?! , Ep 7 , Persona 5
190) Weeb Excercising that’s actually cool and fun (2018 06 07 00_00_00) Beat Saber
191) New Palace Exploring! (2018 06 08 00_00_00) Persona 5 (YUSUKE JOINS THE THIEVES , Ep 8 , Persona 5)
192) New Palace Exploring! (2018 06 09 00_00_00) Noble reacts to EA games in E3 2018
193) E3 reaction Microsoft (2018 06 10 00_00_00) Noble reacts to E3
194) E3 reaction Bethesda (2018 06 10 00_00_00) Noble reacts to E3 1: 01:32:24
2: 00:32:24
195) E3 reaction Squeeeenix (2018 06 11 00_00_00) Noble reacts to E3
196) E3 reaction Ubisoft (2018 06 11 00_00_00) Noble reacts to E3
197) E3 reaction Nintendo (2018 06 12 00_00_00) Noble reacts to E3
198) Persona 5 Time (2018 06 14 00_00_00) Persona 5 (ANOTHER EPIC BOSS FIGHT and BECKY THE MAID WAIFU , Ep 9 , Persona 5)
199) Conan Exiles with friends (2018 06 15 00_00_00) Conan Exile
200) Beat Saber Party (2018 06 16 00_00_00) Beat Saber
201) VRChatting (2018 06 18 00_00_00) VRChat
202) Purrrrrrsona (2018 06 20 00_00_00) Persona 5 (MEET THE MOST PUNCHABLE FACES , Ep 10 , Persona 5)
203) ASS, troneering (2018 06 21 00_00_00) Astroneer
204) VRchattingb with Bunni Ayumi (2018 06 22 00_00_00) VRChat
205) VRchattingb with Bunni Ayumi (2018 06 23 00_00_00) Fornite
206) Sellout Sunday Funday (2018 06 24 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
207) Beat Sabering (2018 06 25 00_00_00) Beat Saber
208) Persona 5 (2018 06 26 00_00_00) Persona 5 ✓ (MAKING A GOOD GIRL GO BAD , Ep 11 , Persona 5)
209) VRChat Silliness (2018 06 27 00_00_00) VRChat
210) Persona!!!!! New Dungeon time (2018 06 28 00_00_00) Persona 5
211) Modded Terraria Chillaxin Time (2018 06 29 00_00_00) Terraria
212) Beat Sabers Slicing (2018 06 30 00_00_00) Beat Saber
213) Sellout Sunday wooooo (2018 07 01 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
214) Persona GO TO SLEEP (2018 07 02 00_00_00) Persona 5
215) Quick Persona Streamz (last in a while) (2018 07 04 00_00_00) Persona 5
216) Quick VRChat stream for fun (2018 07 05 00_00_00) VRChat
217) “Quick” VRChat stream (2018 07 09 00_00_00) VRChat
218) Its too hot to show my face so VR chat with actual VR (2018 07 10 00_00_00) VRChat
219) Persona 5’s Great Return!!! (2018 07 10 00_00_00) Persona 5
220) Social Time (maybe trying out RP?) (2018 07 11 00_00_00) VRChat 1: 00:08:20
2: 02:19:16
221) Huniepop’s Devs new game The Spiral Scouts (2018 07 12 00_00_00) The Spiral Scouts
222) Beat Saber Fun (2018 07 13 00_00_00) Beat Saber LOST
223) Persona 5 waifu grind (2018 07 14 00_00_00) Persona 5
224) Sellout Sunday Funday (2018 07 15 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
225) VRChat fun (2018 07 16 00_00_00) VRChat
226) Persona 5 (2018 07 18 00_00_00) Persona 5
227) The Spiral Scouts funny puzzle time (2018 07 19 00_00_00) The Spiral Scouts
228) Beat Saber Workout of Awesomeness (possible vrchat fun too) (2018 07 20 00_00_00) Beat Saber, VRChat
229) Futaba time (2018 07 21 00_00_00) Persona 5
230) Futaba time (2018 07 22 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
231) Persona Night Stream! Futaba Palace Finish!!! (2018 07 23 00_00_00) Persona 5
232) Starting up a new game! (2018 07 24 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
233) VRChat hey wanna see my wrench? (2018 07 26 00_00_00) VRChat
234) NEKEOPARA Extra time! NEKOS NEKOS NEKOS (2018 07 27 00_00_00) Nekopara Extra
235) Persona 5 Flirting with Futaba time? ) Persona 5 1: 00:00:40
2: 03:31:33
236) Sellout Sunday funday!!! (2018 07 29 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
237) VRChat Memes and Maybe horror map? (2018 07 30 00_00_00) VRChat
238) Persona 5 , Full Time Streamer now? (2018 07 31 00_00_00) Persona 5 1: 01:47:21
2: 03:24:43
239) Variety stream day! (2018 08 01 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
240) Persona Wooooooooooo (2018 08 02 00_00_00) Persona 5
241) VRChat keeping it casual and memes (hotel Noble) (2018 08 03 00_00_00) VRChat
242) VRChat keeping it casual and memes (hotel Noble) (2018 08 05 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
243) Persona 5 , When I say all the waifus… I guess I mean husbandos too (2018 08 07 00_00_00) Persona 5
244) Kingdom Farts then maybe Beat Saber or VRChat (2018 08 08 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix, VRChat
245) Monster Hunter! Maybe get some monster waifus? (2018 08 09 00_00_00) Monster Hunter World
246) Lily and Panterbell adventures! (I’m much better at this now) (2018 08 11 00_00_00) Monster Hunter World
247) Everbody keeps fighting over best waifu (2018 08 11 00_00_00) Persona 5
248) Sellout Sunday Funnnnnnday (2018 08 12 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
249) Kingdom Disney Anime (2018 08 14 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
250) Beat Saberz (2018 08 15 00_00_00) Beat Saber
251) VR Date!?!?! (2018 08 16 00_00_00) VRChat
252) Morgana please don’t make be go to bed (2018 08 17 00_00_00) Persona 5
253) Sellout Sunday Funday woooooooo (2018 08 19 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
254) Kingdom Hearts 1 Finale!! (2018 08 20 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
255) I got a bad feeling about what is gonna happen soon (2018 08 22 00_00_00) Persona 5 ✓
256) Adventuring with Bunny Ayumi (2018 08 23 00_00_00) VRChat
257) MonHun end!? (2018 08 25 00_00_00) Monster Hunter World
258) Selling Out Sunday Time (2018 08 26 00_00_00) Noble reacting to videos send to him by twitch chat
259) Selling Out Sunday Time (2018 08 27 00_00_00) Persona 5
260) Monster Hunting Woo! (2018 08 28 00_00_00) Monster Hunter World
261) Starting a new Kingdom Hearts adventure! (2018 08 29 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
262) RWBY Chibi Reaction (and possibly more) (2018 08 31 00_00_00) RWBY Chibi Reaction ✓, and Sellout Sunday Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
263) Variety Stream (Naruto to Boruto Ninja stuff first) (2018 08 31 00_00_00) Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, Monster Hunter World
264) Talking to yall (2018 09 01 00_00_00) Noble talking with chat
265) Talking to yall (2018 09 02 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
266) Personaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa new palace time (2018 09 03 00_00_00) Persona 5
267) Talk to viewers time and see what happens. (2016 09 05 00_00_00) Noble talking with chat
268) Diving into some fun VR (2018 09 06 00_00_00) VRChat
269) Kingdom Hearts 2… the start of a new adventure (2018 09 07 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
270) Sellout Sunday woo woo! (2018 09 09 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
271) Going into Sae (2018 09 01 00_00_00) Persona 5 1: 01:52:26
2: 01:25:23
272) Monster Hunter then SPOODERMAN!?!?! (2018 09 11 00_00_00) Monster Hunter World
273) IMMA SPOODERMAN (2018 09 12 00_00_00) Marvel’s Spider, Man
274) Blook Oops BR (2018 09 14 00_00_00) Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
275) Blook Oops BR (2018 09 15 00_00_00) VRChat
276) Sellout Sundaaaaaaaay (2018 09 16 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
278) What’s going on inside Sae’s head? (2018 09 17 00_00_00) Persona 5
279) Party Games! (2018 09 19 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 4
280) VRChat Updated!?! (2018 09 20 00_00_00) VRChat
281) Fighting Shadow Sae (2018 09 21 00_00_00) Persona 5
282) Super Seducing Saturday (2018 09 22 00_00_00) Super Seducer 2
283) Sellout Sunnnnnnnndey (2018 09 23 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
284) A manga VR by square enix… (2018 09 24 00_00_00) Beat Saber
285) It’s about time Sega… (2018 09 25 00_00_00) Valkyria Chronicles 4
286) Getting closer with more ladies (2018 09 27 00_00_00) Persona 5
287) Rolling out with the waifu squad to war (2018 09 28 00_00_00) Valkyria Chronicles 4
288) Super Sellout Sunday Submarathon (every sub extends stream by 2 mins) [cap when I pass out] (2018 09 30 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday , Jackbox party pack 4
289) New fun party game that I found (2018 10 01 00_00_00) Use Your Words
290) Persona 5 Waifus and Chill (2018 10 02 00_00_00) Persona 5
291) Being a sneaky sneaky assassin (2018 10 03 00_00_00) Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
292) Shooty waifus (2018 10 04 00_00_00) Valkyria Chronicles 4
293) Let’s Chat and play some dumb games (2018 10 05 00_00_00) Just Chatting
294) Sellout Sunday WOO WOO (2018 10 07 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
295) Mario Party with Mario Noble (2018 10 08 00_00_00) Super Mario Party
296) VRChat in public worlds and meeting fans (2018 10 10 00_00_00) VRChat
297) Today we chill, talk, and look at memes (music request on) (2018 10 11 00_00_00) Just Chatting
298) Catching up to the present (Big cinematic day) (2018 10 12 00_00_00) Persona 5
299) Sellout Monday? (2018 10 15 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
300) Valkyria Chronicles n Chill (2018 10 16 00_00_00) Valkyria Chronicles 4
301) Mario Party so basically Salty Noble stream (2018 10 17 00_00_00) Super Mario Party
302) Casual ship waifu stream (2018 10 19 00_00_00) Azur Lane
303) Mario Party stream with Ashley (2018 10 21 00_00_00) Super Mario Party
304) Sellout Tuesday? (2014 10 23 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
305) Boat Waifus (2018 10 24 00_00_00) Azur Lane
306) New Party Games! Come join in! (2018 10 26 00_00_00) Jackbox Party Pack 5
307) MHA Face punching with Ashley (2018 10 29 00_00_00) My Hero One’s Justice
308) Sellout Sunday Night Stream (2018 10 30 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
309) Noble Video Edit n Chill stream (2018 10 30 00_00_00) Noble editing a #Ask Noble Senpai with twitch chat, Azur Lane
310) Jackbox Halloween party with my homies (2018 10 31 00_00_00) Jackbox Party Pack 5, Use Your Words
311) Back to Persona (2018 11 02 00_00_00) Persona 5
312) Sellout Sunday on an actual Sunday (2018 11 04 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday, Azur Lane
313) Memeing with homies (2018 11 06 00_00_00) Jackbox Party Pack 5, Use Your Words
314) Memeing with homies (2018 11 07 00_00_00) Azur Lane
315) Massive fanmail unboxing (2018 11 07 00_00_00)
316) VC4 Time baby. Late night noble stream (2018 11 09 00_00_00) Valkyria Chronicles 4
317) Chill Azur Lane night and chat (2018 11 09 00_00_00) Azur Lane
318) Sellout Sunday Funday (2018 11 11 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
319) Chill stream doyOwO (2018 11 13 00_00_00) Azur Lane
320) Fallout 76 Noble Run (2018 11 13 00_00_00) Fallout 76
321) Fallout 76 Noble Run (2018 11 15 00_00_00) Just Chatting
322) Getting more waifus and bros in Persona (2018 11 15 00_00_00) Persona 5
323) Time catch em all with my Pokemon girl Lily the eevee (2018 11 16 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
324) Lily Eevee adventures continue! (2018 11 18 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
325) Lily Eevee’s Bizarre Adventures (2018 11 19 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
326) Battling the gyms with our broken Lily Eevee (2018 11 21 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
327) Hunting for more cool Pokemon. (New Lily and Eevee Lily art) (2018 11 22 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
328) New Azur Lane Neptunia Event!!! (2018 11 22 00_00_00) Azur Lane
329) New Azur Lane Neptunia Event Continued (2018 11 23 00_00_00) Azur Lane
330) Surprise Meme Stream with Bros (2018 11 25 00_00_00) Jackbox Party Pack 5
331) Sellout Sunday Returns! (2018 11 25 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
332) Eevee Adventures! Taking down Team Rocket (2018 11 26 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
333) Time to beat the final Gyms! (2018 11 28 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
334) We collecting ALL THE NEPS (2018 11 29 00_00_00) Azur Lane
335) Beating the Elite 4 perhaps legendary Pokemon too (2018 11 30 00_00_00) Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!/Eevee!
336) I’m a minecraft streamer now doyDoy (2018 12 02 00_00_00) Minecraft
337) Minecraft Mondays (2018 12 03 00_00_00) Minecraft
338) Chill with boat waifus (2018 12 05 00_00_00) Azur Lane
339) 24 Smash Bros stream!!!! (2018 12 07 00_00_00) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
1: 18:42:49
2: 05:17:12
340) Finished the World of Light!? (2018 12 09 00_00_00) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
341) Minecraft Monday Continues (2018 12 10 00_00_00) Minecraft
342) Time to finish up the main story! (2018 12 11 00_00_00) Persona 5
343) Beating the game! (2018 12 13 00_00_00) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
344) New Azur Lane Game Mode (2018 12 14 00_00_00) Azur Lane
345) I got Enterprise (Stories from Japan?) (2018 12 15 00_00_00) Azur Lane 1: 02:06:48
2: 00:00:53
346) First half of RWBY Vol 6 Reaction (2018 12 17 00_00_00) RWBY Reaction
347) Chill Japan talk and boat waifus (2018 12 20 00_00_00) Azur Lane 1: 00:42:35
2: 00:00:42
348) Memeing with bros (2018 12 21 00_00_00) Jackbox Party Pack 5
349) Back to the Persona 5 Grind (2018 12 22 00_00_00) Persona 5
350) Reacting to Memes and Chatting with ya’ll (2018 12 23 00_00_00) Just Chatting
351) Minecraft Memeday (2018 12 24 00_00_00) Minecraft
352) The Great Christmas Fanmail Unboxes + more (2018 12 25 00_00_00) Just Chatting
353) Nekopara… but with Demons? (2018 12 27 00_00_00) The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me
354) Memes (2018 12 28 00_00_00) Just Chatting
355) Finishing up the palace! (2018 12 29 00_00_00) Persona 5
356) Everytime I lose, I gift subs (2018 12 31 00_00_00) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
357) Demon Nekopara (2019 01 01 00_00_00) The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me
358) Demon Nekopara (2019 01 02 00_00_00) Just Chatting
359) So close to beating this game!!!! (new emote!) (2019 01 03 00_00_00) Persona 5
360) Boat waifus (new emotes) (2019 01 05 00_00_00) Azur Lane
361) Nekopara… but with demon ladies (at Ashley’s place) (2018 01 06 00_00_00) The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me
362) Beating Persona 5!!!! (2019 01 08 00_00_00) Persona 5
363) Meme Day (New Fun Emotes) (2019 01 10 00_00_00) Just Chatting
364) Demon Nekopara (2019 01 11 00_00_00) The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me
365) Boat Waifus with giveaway! Sponsored link: (2018 01 13 00_00_00) Azur Lane
366) Just chilling with chat and sharing my anime con videos (2019 01 14 00_00_00) Just Chatting
367) Sick Boi plays Azur Lane (2019 01 16 00_00_00) Azur Lane
368) Reading Manga with Chat (2019 01 17 00_00_00) Just Chatting
369) Lewd demon girls are trying to lewd me (Stream start 1:30PM PST) (2019 01 19 00_00_00) The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me
370) Return to Kingdom Hearts (2019 01 21 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 + II.5 Remix
371) Memes (2019 01 22 00_00_00) Just Chatting
372) We gonna have to choose a waifu (2019 01 23 00_00_00) The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me
373) The deep deep deep ocean (2019 01 25 00_00_00) Subnautica
374) The deep deep deeper ocean (2019 01 26 00_00_00) Subnautica
375) Ditzy Demons wanna do naughty things to me (2019 01 28 00_00_00) The Ditzy Demons Are In Love With Me
376) Trying out Kingdom Hearts 3 for the first time! (2019 01 29 00_00_00) Kingdom Hearts III
377) Spicy Editing stream (2019 01 30 00_00_00) Noble editing a video
378) Subnautica (and possibly new AL event at end) (2019 01 30 00_00_00) Subnautica
379) New Azur Lane Event. Tons of cubes openings and stuf (2019 02 01 00_00_00) Azur Lane
380) Finishing Lastest RWBY season (with Ashley) (2019 02 03 00_00_00) RWBY Reaction
381) Going down with our brand new personal sub (2019 02 04 00_00_00) Subnautica
382) The dankest memes (2019 02 05 00_00_00) Just Chatting
383) UNDA DA SEA! (2019 02 06 00_00_00) Subnautica
384) Late night boat waifus (2019 02 07 00_00_00) Azur Lane
385) Finishing Subnautica (2019 02 08 00_00_00) Subnautica
386) Fan Fun Suggestion Day (2019 02 11 00_00_00) Just Chatting
387) Jump Force Early Access! (2019 02 12 00_00_00) Jump Force
388) Nintendo Direct Reaction (2019 02 13 00_00_00) Noble reacting to Nintendo Direct, Jump Force
389) More Jump Force fun! (2019 02 15 00_00_00) Jump Force
390) Co, streaming Crunchyroll Anime Awards (You can win free Crunchyroll subs by voting) (2019 02 16 00_00_00) Chrunchyroll Anime Awards
391) New Subnautica Game! (Blind Playthrough) (2019 02 18 00_00_00) Subnautica
392) The anime community is a mess (2019 02 19 00_00_00) Noble editing a video
393) Now The youtube community is a mess (2019 02 20 00_00_00) Noble editing a video
394) New Azur Lane event (lots of cubes to waste) (2019 02 21 00_00_00) Azur Lane
395) Playing all the cool characters in Shonen Jump (2019 02 22 00_00_00) Jump Force
396) Sellout Sunday Returns!!! (w/ Ashley) (2019 02 24 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
397) Beating Jump Force (2019 02 25 00_00_00) Jump Force
398) Trying out Yakuza (2019 02 27 00_00_00) Yakuza 0
399) This game is actually super BA (2019 02 28 00_00_00) Yakuza 0
400) Meme Stream (2019 03 01 00_00_00) Just Chatting
401) Meme Stream (2019 03 03 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
402) Being a Yakuza is silly LUL (2019 03 05 00_00_00) Yakuza 0
403) The most controversial game on steam news. (2019 03 07 00_00_00) Just Chatting, Yakuza 0
404) DMC5 just released and awesome new stream toys (2019 03 07 00_00_00) Just Chatting
405) Finally some DMC5 (2019 03 08 00_00_00) Devil May Cry 5
406) Sellout Sunday Funday woo woo woo (2019 03 10 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
407) Short video preview and Yakuza stream (2019 03 11 00_00_00) Just Chatting, Yakuza 0
408) PARTY MEME STREAM (new super camera quality) (2019 03 12 00_00_00) Jackbox Party Pack 5, Use Your Words
409) Fresh blind pokemon run from the beginning! (2019 03 13 00_00_00) Pokémon Crystal
410) We upgraded pokemon games! (2019 03 14 00_00_00) Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
411) I still wanna play more pokemon (2019 03 15 00_00_00) Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
412) Sellout Saturday!? (2019 03 16 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
413) Sellout Saturday!? (2019 03 19 00_00_00) Just Chatting
414) YAKUZA!!!! (2019 03 19 00_00_00) Yakuza 0
415) Pokemon (2019 03 20 00_00_00) Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
416) Meme Stream (2019 03 22 00_00_00) Just Chatting
417) Sellout Sunday woo woo (2019 03 24 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
418) Pokeday (2019 03 25 00_00_00) Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
419) More Pocket Monsters (2019 03 26 00_00_00) Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
420) Laughing at dumb memes (2019 03 27 00_00_00) Just Chatting
421) Yoshi Time (2019 03 29 00_00_00) Yoshi’s Crafted World
422) Yoshi 2 Player Sabotage Fest (2019 03 30 00_00_00) Yoshi’s Crafted World
423) Sellout Sunday (2019 03 31 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
424) An actual game about dating traps (Trap Shrine) (2019 04 01 00_00_00) Trap Shrine, Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
425) Party Games with friends and chat. (2019 04 02 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 3, Jackbox Party Pack 5
426) New Dragon Ball game! (2019 04 04 00_00_00) Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission, Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
427) Hopefully beat pokemon?! (2019 04 05 00_00_00) Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
428) Sellout sunday doyLurk Ashley (2019 04 07 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday suspended
429) Sellout sunday take 2 (2019 04 08 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
430) Making Jelly Filled Donuts (Brock Style) (2019 04 09 00_00_00) Just Chatting
431) New Azur Lane Event (2019 04 11 00_00_00) Azur Lane
432) Catching Lugia with Ashley (2019 04 12 00_00_00) Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
433) Brand New Omega Ruby Journey (2019 04 13 00_00_00) Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire
434) Sellout Sunday wooo wowowowoowowo (2019 04 14 00_00_00) Sellout Sunday
435) Ashley’s journey continues (2019 04 15 00_00_00) Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire
436) Joker just got released!!! (2019 04 17 00_00_00) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
437) So close to evolving our waifu (2019 04 18 00_00_00) Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire
438) Cool anime news stuff (then game?) (2019 04 19 00_00_00) Just Chatting, Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire
439) Easter Party Games (2019 04 21 00_00_00) Jackbox party pack 3, Jackbox Party Pack 5
Monetization Monday (Sellout Sunday but Monday) | 2019-04-23 03:04:55 | Sellout Sunday |
We got a Gardevoir | 2019-04-24 02:21:08 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Late Meme Stream today (9pm PST) | 2019-04-26 06:06:19 | Sellout Sunday |
New Azur Lane Kizuna AI and lolis wtf | 2019-04-27 02:01:18 | Azur Lane |
Sellout Sunday… but on monday | 2019-04-30 04:05:29 | Sellout Sunday |
I wanna be the very best… | 2019-05-01 03:15:17 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Meme and cringe for a bit, then something else later | 2019-05-02 03:10:24 | Just Chatting |
Party Games with Chat | 2019-05-04 02:23:23 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3, The Jackbox Party Pack 5 |
It’s poketime | 2019-05-05 01:07:34 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Sellout Sunday is now Monday I guess lol | 2019-05-07 01:15:34 | Sellout Sunday |
Let’s beat these last 2 gyms! | 2019-05-08 03:32:50 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
A Super 12 hour stream!!! Yakuza Kiwami 2 Hype !Yakuza sponsored | 2019-05-09 11:00:40 | Yakuza Kiwami 2 |
Pro YouTuber Edit and Chill stream | 2019-05-09 12:56:23 | Just Chatting, Noble editing a video |
Neko Hat in Time DLC just released | 12-5-2019 00:00 | A Hat in Time |
Fun games with fans | 14-5-2019 00:00 | Just Chatting |
Mario Party Time | 18-5-2019 00:00 | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate |
Sellout Sunday ON A SUNDAY!!!! | 20-5-2019 00:00 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Gotta go fast! | 22-5-2019 00:00 | Team Sonic Racing |
New Azur Lane event and UI | 24-5-2019 00:00 | Azur Lane |
Meme stream (500k Animemes celebration) | 25-5-2019 00:00 | Just Chatting |
Tsundere Neko Noble ASMR humiliation promise | 26-5-2019 00:00 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Monday | 28-5-2019 00:00 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Monday | 28-5-2019 00:00 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
New loli boats are out and new skins | 31-5-2019 00:00 | Azur Lane |
New funny (and slightly sexy) rom com visual novel – Sankaku Renai Love Triangle Trouble! | 31-5-2019 22:22 | Sankaku Renai: Love Triangle Trouble |
Sellout Sunday on actually Sunday woooooo | 5-6-2019 01:14 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Pokemon Nintendo Direct Reaction | 5-6-2019 12:57 | Just Chatting |
Party Games with chat | 6-6-2019 01:10 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3, The Jackbox Party Pack 4 |
Getting my first PR ship | 8-6-2019 02:22 | Azur Lane |
E3 Reaction Bethesda | 10-6-2019 00:00 | Special Events |
E3 Reaction Ubisoft | 10-6-2019 20:03 | Special Events |
E3 Reaction Ubisoft | 10-6-2019 20:04 | Special Events |
E3 Reaction Square Enix | 11-6-2019 01:01 | Special Events |
E3 Reaction Square Enix | 11-6-2019 15:59 | Special Events |
Pokemon Day | 13-6-2019 01:10 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Maybe beat the elite 4!? | 15-6-2019 00:41 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Sellout Monday lul | 17-6-2019 23:31 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Meme day (before new nep game) | 20-6-2019 01:40 | Just Chatting |
NEP NEP NEP | 21-6-2019 00:17 | Super Neptunia RPG |
Azur Lane New Event | 22-6-2019 02:34 | Azur Lane |
Sellout Sunday with Ashley | 23-6-2019 21:58 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
NEP NEP NEP NEP | 25-6-2019 02:23 | Super Neptunia RPG |
Finishing Boat Event and just want to relax | 26-6-2019 00:00 | Azur Lane |
testing first Irl stream! | 27-6-2019 23:03 | Just Chatting |
testing first Irl stream! | 27-6-2019 23:16 | Just Chatting |
New Event | 27-6-2019 23:45 | Azur Lane |
Party games with chat! | 30-6-2019 02:27 | The Jackbox Party Pack 5 |
Party games with chat! | 30-6-2019 02:53 | The Jackbox Party Pack 5 |
Sellout Sunnnnnnnnnday | 1-7-2019 00:49 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
IRL Room Tour test then Mario Maker Rage | 3-7-2019 00:16 | Just Chatting |
IRL Room Tour test then Mario Maker Rage | 3-7-2019 01:00 | Just Chatting |
IRL Room Tour test then Mario Maker Rage | 3-7-2019 01:01 | Just Chatting |
IRL Room Tour test then Mario Maker Rage | 3-7-2019 01:02 | Just Chatting |
IRL Room Tour test then Mario Maker Rage | 3-7-2019 01:17 | Just Chatting, Mario Maker 2 |
anime expo stream day 1 | 4-7-2019 23:05 | Just Chatting |
anime expo stream day 1 | 4-7-2019 23:40 | Just Chatting |
anime expo stream day 1 | 5-7-2019 00:06 | Just Chatting |
anime expo stream day 1 | 5-7-2019 00:36 | Just Chatting |
anime expo stream day 2 | 5-7-2019 18:00 | Just Chatting |
anime expo stream day 2 | 5-7-2019 18:37 | Just Chatting |
anime expo stream day 3 komi day | 6-7-2019 23:24 | Just Chatting |
anime expo stream day 3 komi day | 7-7-2019 00:10 | Just Chatting |
Return to VRChat | 10-7-2019 00:23 | VRChat |
Last minute grinding (Still sick) | 11-7-2019 01:31 | Azur Lane |
Last minute grinding (Still sick) | 12-7-2019 00:20 | Just Chatting |
Weeb Minecraft! | 13-7-2019 01:30 | Dragon Quest Builders 2 |
SELLOUT SUNDAY WOOOOOW | 15-7-2019 01:02 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Fanmail unboxing and lots Anime Convention goods! | 16-7-2019 00:33 | Just Chatting |
VRChat returns with me being in VR! | 17-7-2019 01:05 | VRChat |
VRChat returns with me being in VR! | 17-7-2019 02:35 | VRChat |
Learning Japanese with Chat | 19-7-2019 00:15 | Just Chatting |
Learning Japanese with Chat | 19-7-2019 02:11 | Just Chatting |
Pokemon Endgame legendaries | 20-7-2019 00:20 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Pokemon Endgame legendaries | 20-7-2019 02:18 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
First time TFT | 21-7-2019 21:34 | Teamfight Tactics |
Meme Monday | 22-7-2019 23:29 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday/ Sellout Sunday | 24-7-2019 00:06 | Teamfight Tactics |
It’s meme time (chat controls where we go) | 26-7-2019 00:35 | Just Chatting |
Making the world’s strongest Magikarp | 26-7-2019 23:38 | Splash! Magikarp |
Sellout Sunday | 28-7-2019 23:09 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Love Cube (the nekopara and Ishikei VN) | 30-7-2019 00:05 | Games + Demos, Love Cube |
Love Cube again because research | 30-7-2019 23:21 | Games + Demos, Love Cube |
New Azur Lane event. Lots of US waifus. ALABAMA | 1-8-2019 01:30 | Azur Lane |
Party Games | 4-8-2019 02:42 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Meme Monday/ Sellout Sunday Substitute | 6-8-2019 00:33 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Azur Lane event grind chill day | 7-8-2019 02:37 | Azur Lane |
Azur Lane event grind chill day | 7-8-2019 04:03 | Azur Lane |
Love cubed oh baby | 8-8-2019 01:51 | Games + Demos, Love Cube |
We going full meme day (text to speech on) | 10-8-2019 00:21 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday with Bday grills | 12-8-2019 00:13 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday with Bday grills | 13-8-2019 00:45 | Pokémon ω Ruby α Sapphire |
Minecraft Skyfactory 4 with Blanny | 13-8-2019 21:44 | Minecraft |
Late night Azur Lane new event (song request on) | 16-8-2019 02:59 | Azur Lane |
A ninja becomes our waifu | 16-8-2019 23:41 | Games + Demos, NinNinDays |
Sellout Sunday because memes | 18-8-2019 23:26 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Ninja Waifu Finale (NinNinDays) | 19-8-2019 23:49 | Games + Demos, NinNinDays |
Party Games with chat | 21-8-2019 02:43 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Playing a cutie game doyAYAYA (Love Cube) | 22-8-2019 02:06 | Games + Demos, Love Cube |
Play an anime dating game with my girlfriend | 24-8-2019 23:22 | Games + Demos, Love Cube |
Sellout Sunday (let the memes begin) | 26-8-2019 00:07 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Minecraft Monday with da bois | 26-8-2019 20:24 | Minecraft |
Love Cube Harem time | 29-8-2019 01:39 | Games + Demos, Love Cube |
A new pokemon gen 4 adventure | 30-8-2019 00:33 | Pokémon Platinum |
Reliving my no life gamer days | 31-8-2019 01:57 | World of Warcraft |
Sellout Saturday (cause disneyland tomorrow | 31-8-2019 22:34 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Dating Love game… but with my real GF next to me | 3-9-2019 00:32 | Just Chatting, Love Cube |
Dating Love game… but with my real GF next to me | 3-9-2019 01:52 | Just Chatting, Love Cube |
Dating Love game… but with my real GF next to me | 3-9-2019 01:59 | Just Chatting, Love Cube |
Poke Plat | 4-9-2019 00:57 | Pokémon Platinum |
Party Games | 6-9-2019 01:33 | The Jackbox Party Pack 4 |
Fire Force Anime Watchalong | 7-9-2019 01:09 | Just Chatting |
Fire Force Anime Watchalong | 7-9-2019 03:00 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday oh god why | 8-9-2019 22:21 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday remastered ? !sellout | 10-9-2019 02:45 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Pokemon Plat (Just like your Overwatch rank) | 11-9-2019 01:04 | Pokémon Platinum |
Azur Lane Italian waifu event | 12-9-2019 01:46 | Azur Lane |
Azur Lane Italian waifu event | 12-9-2019 01:46 | Azur Lane, fixed |
Borderlands 3 but way more anime | 13-9-2019 23:18 | Gun Gun Pixies, fixed |
Borderlands 3 but way more anime | 13-9-2019 23:18 | Gun Gun Pixies |
Sellout Sunday now that Ash won the Pokemon League | 16-9-2019 01:16 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday now that Ash won the Pokemon League | 16-9-2019 01:16 | Sellout Sunday, Just Chatting, fixed |
It’s Minecraft Time with some weird guy named Blanc | 17-9-2019 20:24 | Minecraft, fixed |
It’s Minecraft Time with some weird guy named Blanc | 17-9-2019 20:24 | Minecraft |
It’s Pokemon Time | 19-9-2019 01:22 | Pokémon Platinum, fixed |
It’s Pokemon Time | 19-9-2019 01:22 | Pokémon Platinum |
Borderlands_ but with tiny anime girls I swear same thing | 21-9-2019 01:16 | Gun Gun Pixies, fixed |
Borderlands, but with tiny anime girls I swear same thing | 21-9-2019 01:16 | Gun Gun Pixies |
Sellout Saturday | 21-9-2019 23:38 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Saturday? | 21-9-2019 23:38 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Party Games with all you lovely people | 24-9-2019 01:49 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Party Games with all you lovely people | 24-9-2019 01:49 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3, fixed |
Going back to the first video I ever made roots | 25-9-2019 00:45 | Hearthstone |
Going back to the first video I ever made roots | 25-9-2019 00:45 | Hearthstone, fixed |
KFC senpai notice me | 25-9-2019 23:31 | I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator |
KFC senpai notice me | 25-9-2019 23:31 | I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator, fixed |
Anime Dark Souls | 27-9-2019 01:40 | Code Vein |
Anime Dark Souls? | 27-9-2019 01:40 | Code Vein, fixed |
Anime Dark Souls | 27-9-2019 02:44 | Code Vein |
Anime Dark Souls? | 27-9-2019 02:44 | Code Vein, fixed |
Anime Dark Souls with an awesome Lily avatar | 28-9-2019 00:31 | Code Vein |
Anime Dark Souls with an awesome Lily avatar | 28-9-2019 00:31 | Code Vein, fixed |
Anime Dark Souls with an awesome Lily avatar | 28-9-2019 00:40 | Code Vein |
Anime Dark Souls with an awesome Lily avatar | 28-9-2019 00:40 | Code Vein, fixed |
Pokemon Minecraft! | 29-9-2019 21:25 | Unlisted |
Pokemon Minecraft! | 29-9-2019 21:25 | Minecraft, fixed |
Pokemon Minecraft! | 29-9-2019 21:35 | Unlisted |
Pokemon Minecraft! | 29-9-2019 21:35 | Minecraft, fixed |
Pokemon Minecraft! | 29-9-2019 22:25 | Minecraft |
Pokemon Minecraft! | 29-9-2019 22:25 | Minecraft, fixed |
Sellout (insert day here) | 1-10-2019 02:50 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Sellout (insert day here) | 1-10-2019 02:50 | Just Chatting |
Lily Souls | 1-10-2019 23:16 | Code Vein, fixed |
Lily Souls | 1-10-2019 23:16 | Code Vein |
I got some amazing builds now | 3-10-2019 01:17 | Code Vein, fixed |
I got some amazing builds now | 3-10-2019 01:17 | Code Vein |
Spoopy Pokemon day | 5-10-2019 01:02 | Pokémon Platinum, fixed |
Spoopy Pokemon day | 5-10-2019 01:02 | Pokémon Platinum |
Code Pain in the Booty | 6-10-2019 00:13 | Code Vein, fixed |
Code Pain in the Booty | 6-10-2019 00:13 | Code Vein |
Money Monday | 8-10-2019 00:33 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Money Monday | 8-10-2019 00:33 | Just Chatting |
Code Lily | 8-10-2019 23:29 | Unlisted |
Code Lily | 8-10-2019 23:29 | Code Vein, fixed |
Code Lily | 9-10-2019 00:57 | Unlisted |
Code Lily | 9-10-2019 00:57 | Code Vein, fixed |
We slaying as Lily | 11-10-2019 02:11 | Code Vein, fixed |
We slaying as Lily | 11-10-2019 02:11 | Code Vein |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 20:17 | Unlisted |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 20:17 | Just Chatting, fixed |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 20:48 | Unlisted |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 20:48 | Just Chatting, fixed |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 21:09 | Unlisted |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 21:09 | Just Chatting, fixed |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 21:36 | Unlisted |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 21:36 | Just Chatting, fixed |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 22:00 | Just Chatting |
live at la comicon | 11-10-2019 22:00 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Sellout Sunday aw yeah | 14-10-2019 00:12 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Sellout Sunday aw yeah | 14-10-2019 00:12 | Just Chatting |
PokeMONDAY | 15-10-2019 01:43 | Pokémon Platinum, fixed |
PokeMONDAY | 15-10-2019 01:43 | Pokémon Platinum |
Vamp Lily sucking more blood | 15-10-2019 23:15 | Code Vein, fixed |
Vamp Lily sucking more blood | 15-10-2019 23:15 | Code Vein |
Party Games (new Jackbox 6!) | 17-10-2019 01:21 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Party Games (new Jackbox 6!) | 17-10-2019 01:21 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3, fixed |
Beating The Game_! | 18-10-2019 00:21 | Unlisted |
Beating The Game?! | 18-10-2019 00:21 | Code Vein, fixed |
New Party Games wooooooo | 19-10-2019 23:24 | Unlisted |
New Party Games wooooooo | 19-10-2019 23:24 | The Jackbox Party Pack 6, fixed |
Sellout Sunday f yeah | 20-10-2019 23:31 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday f yeah | 20-10-2019 23:31 | Just Chatting, fixed |
PokeMONday… getting hyped for Sword and Shield | 22-10-2019 02:15 | Pokémon Platinum, fixed |
PokeMONday… getting hyped for Sword and Shield | 22-10-2019 02:15 | Pokémon Platinum |
Chill edit stream | 23-10-2019 23:13 | Unlisted |
Chill edit stream | 23-10-2019 23:13 | Just Chatting, fixed |
BOAT WAIFUS | 24-10-2019 23:40 | Azur Lane, fixed |
BOAT WAIFUS | 24-10-2019 23:40 | Azur Lane |
Get Funky with Waifus | 25-10-2019 23:24 | Muse Dash, fixed |
Get Funky with Waifus | 25-10-2019 23:24 | Muse Dash |
Sellout Sunday with a dorky Ashley | 27-10-2019 23:11 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Sellout Sunday with a dorky Ashley | 27-10-2019 23:11 | Just Chatting |
PokeMONday | 29-10-2019 01:33 | Pokémon Platinum, fixed |
PokeMONday | 29-10-2019 01:33 | Pokémon Platinum |
Atelier Ryza in those wonderful red pants | 30-10-2019 01:23 | Unlisted |
Atelier Ryza in those wonderful red pants | 30-10-2019 01:23 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega, fixed |
Spooky Boat Waifus | 1-11-2019 03:13 | Azur Lane |
Spooky Boat Waifus | 1-11-2019 03:13 | Azur Lane, fixed |
Muze Dashu but with way more cool music and harder maps | 2-11-2019 00:07 | Muse Dash, fixed |
Muze Dashu but with way more cool music and harder maps | 2-11-2019 00:07 | Muse Dash |
Sellout Sunday | 4-11-2019 00:19 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday | 4-11-2019 00:19 | Just Chatting, fixed |
PokeMONDAY last gym time | 4-11-2019 23:04 | Pokémon Platinum, fixed |
PokeMONDAY last gym time? | 4-11-2019 23:04 | Pokémon Platinum |
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Ayaya | 8-11-2019 01:01 | Hearthstone, fixed |
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Ayaya | 8-11-2019 01:01 | Hearthstone |
Dang this girl is THICC BOI | 9-11-2019 02:22 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega, fixed |
Dang this girl is THICC BOI | 9-11-2019 02:22 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega |
SELLOUT SUNDAY WOOOOOOOO | 10-11-2019 22:08 | Unlisted |
SELLOUT SUNDAY WOOOOOOOO | 10-11-2019 22:08 | Just Chatting, fixed |
SELLOUT SUNDAY WOOOOOOOO | 10-11-2019 22:31 | Unlisted |
SELLOUT SUNDAY WOOOOOOOO | 10-11-2019 22:31 | Just Chatting, fixed |
SELLOUT SUNDAY WOOOOOOOO | 10-11-2019 22:32 | Unlisted |
SELLOUT SUNDAY WOOOOOOOO | 10-11-2019 22:32 | Just Chatting, fixed |
It’s time for thighs | 12-11-2019 00:50 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega, fixed |
It’s time for thighs | 12-11-2019 00:50 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega |
One day until 24 Hour stream | 14-11-2019 02:30 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega, fixed |
One day until 24 Hour stream | 14-11-2019 02:30 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega |
24h Pokemon Shield Stream | 15-11-2019 05:38 | Unlisted |
24h Pokemon Shield Stream | 15-11-2019 05:38 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
I’m alive after the 24 hour stream | 17-11-2019 03:50 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
I’m alive after the 24 hour stream | 17-11-2019 03:50 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Sellout Sunday (on Monday) | 19-11-2019 03:07 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday (on Monday) | 19-11-2019 03:07 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Besting Pokemon Shield! | 20-11-2019 03:22 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Besting Pokemon Shield! | 20-11-2019 03:22 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Besting Pokemon Shield! | 20-11-2019 03:36 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Besting Pokemon Shield! | 20-11-2019 03:36 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Time to catch a legendary Doggo! | 21-11-2019 02:53 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Time to catch a legendary Doggo! | 21-11-2019 02:53 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Some endgame Pokemon! (with homies_) | 22-11-2019 02:53 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Some endgame Pokemon! (with homies?) | 22-11-2019 02:53 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
We making the perfect Pokemon lovemaking tonight | 23-11-2019 01:24 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
We making the perfect Pokemon lovemaking tonight. | 23-11-2019 01:24 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Sellout Sunday!! On a Sunday wow | 25-11-2019 02:15 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday!! On a Sunday wow | 25-11-2019 02:15 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Pokemon with Merry! | 26-11-2019 00:03 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Pokemon with Merry! | 26-11-2019 00:03 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Pokemon Gigamax hunting | 27-11-2019 02:12 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Pokemon Gigamax hunting | 27-11-2019 02:12 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
New Azur Lane Event | 28-11-2019 02:03 | Azur Lane |
New Azur Lane Event? | 28-11-2019 02:03 | Azur Lane, fixed |
Pokemon Thanksgiving stream for people who want people to talk to | 29-11-2019 02:12 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Pokemon Thanksgiving stream for people who want people to talk to | 29-11-2019 02:12 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
More Endgame Gigantamax pokemon catching with Ashley | 1-12-2019 02:02 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
More Endgame Gigantamax pokemon catching with Ashley | 1-12-2019 02:02 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Monetization Monday | 3-12-2019 01:25 | Just Chatting |
Monetization Monday | 3-12-2019 01:25 | Just Chatting, fixed |
It’s time for more Pokemon Gigantamax forms. Getting very close to all of em | 4-12-2019 02:36 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
It’s time for more Pokemon Gigantamax forms. Getting very close to all of em. | 4-12-2019 02:36 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
It’s time for more Pokemon Gigantamax forms. Getting very close to all of em | 4-12-2019 02:39 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
It’s time for more Pokemon Gigantamax forms. Getting very close to all of em. | 4-12-2019 02:39 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Completing the Pokedex | 5-12-2019 01:20 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Completing the Pokedex | 5-12-2019 01:20 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Finishing the Pokedex and Challenging fans to fights (may be the final Pokestream in awhile) | 7-12-2019 03:27 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Finishing the Pokedex and Challenging fans to fights (may be the final Pokestream in awhile) | 7-12-2019 03:27 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Sellout Sunday | 8-12-2019 20:51 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday | 8-12-2019 20:51 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Sellout Sunday | 8-12-2019 20:57 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday | 8-12-2019 20:57 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Ryza Returns | 10-12-2019 02:27 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega, fixed |
Ryza Returns | 10-12-2019 02:27 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega |
Fanmail Opening!!! | 11-12-2019 02:35 | Unlisted |
Fanmail Opening!!! | 11-12-2019 02:35 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Time to Pokemon Battle with chat | 12-12-2019 03:43 | Pokémon Sword/Shield, fixed |
Time to Pokemon Battle with chat | 12-12-2019 03:43 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Game Awards Reaction | 13-12-2019 01:53 | Special Events, fixed |
Game Awards Reaction | 13-12-2019 01:53 | Special Events |
Me making a fool of myself for viewers | 14-12-2019 23:31 | Ring Fit Adventure |
Me making a fool of myself for viewers | 14-12-2019 23:31 | Ring Fit Adventure, fixed |
Me making a fool of myself for viewers | 14-12-2019 23:40 | Unlisted |
Me making a fool of myself for viewers | 14-12-2019 23:40 | Ring Fit Adventure, fixed |
Me making a fool of myself for viewers | 15-12-2019 00:27 | Unlisted |
Me making a fool of myself for viewers | 15-12-2019 00:27 | Ring Fit Adventure, fixed |
Sellout Sunday for all the weebs | 16-12-2019 01:50 | Unlisted |
Sellout Sunday for all the weebs | 16-12-2019 01:50 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Sellout Sunday LUL for all the weebs (comp fixed_) | 17-12-2019 01:58 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday LUL for all the weebs (comp fixed?) | 17-12-2019 01:58 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Browsing the Lost Pause subreddit with chat | 18-12-2019 02:40 | Just Chatting |
Browsing the Lost Pause subreddit with chat | 18-12-2019 02:40 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Quick fanmail opening then some jedi dark souls | 19-12-2019 01:33 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Quick fanmail opening then some jedi dark souls | 19-12-2019 01:33 | Just Chatting |
Stur Wurs | 21-12-2019 02:42 | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, fixed |
Stur Wurs | 21-12-2019 02:42 | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order |
New PR Shipfus | 22-12-2019 04:11 | Unlisted |
New PR Shipfus | 22-12-2019 04:11 | Azur Lane, fixed |
Sellout Sunday is here WOO! | 23-12-2019 03:31 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday is here WOO! | 23-12-2019 03:31 | Just Chatting, fixed |
It’s jedi time woo woo | 24-12-2019 00:12 | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, fixed |
It’s jedi time woo woo | 24-12-2019 00:12 | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order |
Chatting 1v1 with fans for Christmas _ discord | 25-12-2019 23:27 | Unlisted |
Chatting 1v1 with fans for Christmas – ? discord | 25-12-2019 23:27 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Chatting 1v1 with fans for Christmas _ discord | 25-12-2019 23:39 | Just Chatting |
Chatting 1v1 with fans for Christmas – ? discord | 25-12-2019 23:39 | Just Chatting, fixed |
Top Anime waifus of the decade (viewer voted) | 28-12-2019 02:00 | Just Chatting |
Jump King Rage Time? | 29-12-2019 02:22 | Jump King |
Sellout Sunday oh no | 30-12-2019 03:00 | Just Chatting |
Jump King again pls help me | 1-1-2020 01:38 | Jump King |
Jump King one last time before I go insane | 3-1-2020 02:25 | Jump King |
Jump King one last time before I go insane | 3-1-2020 02:37 | Jump King |
Things You Don’t Question in Anime – First Ep of Lost Pausecast (tentative title) | 4-1-2020 03:26 | Talk Shows & Podcasts |
Sellout Sunday!!! | 6-1-2020 04:13 | Just Chatting |
Time to beat this? | 7-1-2020 03:22 | Jump King |
Time to beat this? | 7-1-2020 03:31 | Jump King |
Our Best Anime of the Decade – Lost Pausecast (fanmail opening at end) | 9-1-2020 02:24 | Talk Shows & Podcasts |
Lost Pause Reddit | 11-1-2020 04:26 | Just Chatting |
Lost Pause Reddit | 11-1-2020 04:30 | Just Chatting |
Ala convention vlog with Marnie | 11-1-2020 23:08 | Just Chatting |
The Latest Sellout Sunday Ever | 13-1-2020 05:46 | Just Chatting |
The Latest Sellout Sunday Ever | 13-1-2020 05:57 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday Take 2 (sellout sunday?) | 14-1-2020 04:09 | Just Chatting |
We raising wolf waifus today | 15-1-2020 02:31 | Games + Demos, How to raise a wolf girl |
Browsing Lost Pause Reddit with Ashley | 16-1-2020 05:05 | Just Chatting |
Wolf Waifu Raising with Ashley Watching me | 18-1-2020 03:41 | Games + Demos, How to raise a wolf girl |
How Raise A Wolf Girl and not be arrested | 19-1-2020 04:07 | Games + Demos, How to raise a wolf girl |
Sellout Sunday oh my oh my | 20-1-2020 03:06 | Just Chatting |
Finished raising our wolf girl and make her a wafiu? | 21-1-2020 02:12 | Games + Demos, How to raise a wolf girl |
Not Pokemon But It is? | 22-1-2020 02:34 | Temtem |
Lost Pause Reddit time | 24-1-2020 04:15 | Just Chatting |
Discussing Winter Anime 2020 – Lost Pausecast with twitch chat | 25-1-2020 02:41 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday at a strange house im scared | 26-1-2020 23:30 | Just Chatting |
Wolf Waifu AWOOOOOO | 28-1-2020 02:23 | Games + Demos, How to raise a wolf girl |
AWOOOO wolf waifu | 29-1-2020 03:34 | Games + Demos, How to raise a wolf girl |
Thighs are good | 31-1-2020 01:36 | Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega |
Need to up my meme game with Party Games | 1-2-2020 03:28 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Long Party Stream with the Chat and Homies | 2-2-2020 01:20 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Long Party Stream with the Chat and Homies | 2-2-2020 02:42 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Meme Monday. Sellout sunday but on monday doy | 4-2-2020 00:43 | Just Chatting |
Awoooooo Waifu | 5-2-2020 02:37 | Games + Demos, How to raise a wolf girl |
New DLC woo | 6-2-2020 02:19 | Code Vein |
I wanna meme | 8-2-2020 03:26 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Sellout Sunday | 10-2-2020 02:18 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday | 11-2-2020 03:18 | Just Chatting |
Party Games! | 12-2-2020 03:34 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Tarkov Virgin | 13-2-2020 01:56 | Escape From Tarkov |
Azur Lane Update | 14-2-2020 04:25 | Azur Lane |
Succubus Waifu V-day Stream – Trouble Days | 15-2-2020 03:34 | Games + Demos |
Crunchyroll Awards Reaction (then Succ Waifu Game) | 16-2-2020 00:56 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday (sellout sunday but monday) | 18-2-2020 02:47 | Just Chatting |
Tarkov Tuesday | 19-2-2020 02:47 | Escape From Tarkov |
THE SUCC GAME | 21-2-2020 02:05 | Games + Demos |
Party Games with chat | 22-2-2020 03:25 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
SELLOUT SSUUUUUUUUUUUNDAY | 24-2-2020 02:40 | Just Chatting |
Finishing the SUCC game!? | 25-2-2020 03:04 | Games + Demos |
Tarkov Tuesday (I’m decent now) | 26-2-2020 03:06 | Escape From Tarkov |
ONE PUUUUUUNCH! | 28-2-2020 00:28 | One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows |
Friday Funday by looking at memes | 29-2-2020 02:50 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Saturday | 1-3-2020 02:31 | Just Chatting |
A wholesome yuri game | 3-3-2020 02:04 | OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos |
Tarkov Tuesday | 4-3-2020 01:26 | Escape From Tarkov |
Party Games with homies and chat | 6-3-2020 03:27 | The Jackbox Pary Pack 3 |
I’m gonna be a Pokemon | 7-3-2020 02:30 | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX |
I’m gonna be a Pokemon | 7-3-2020 02:35 | Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX |
Memeing with Chat | 8-3-2020 03:05 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Meme Monday (Sellout Sunday a day later) + Fanmail Unbox | 10-3-2020 01:13 | Just Chatting |
Short Meme Stream | 11-3-2020 01:54 | Just Chatting |
Tarkov Day | 12-3-2020 01:12 | Escape From Tarkov |
New My Hero Academia Game! | 13-3-2020 01:13 | My Hero One’s Justice 2 |
Beat Saber with Ashley, who has only played Osu | 15-3-2020 01:36 | Beat Saber |
Meme Monday | 17-3-2020 01:35 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday | 17-3-2020 01:40 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday | 17-3-2020 01:45 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday | 17-3-2020 01:51 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Tuesday because reasons | 18-3-2020 02:05 | Just Chatting |
Finished DnD session, now chill meme stream | 19-3-2020 02:48 | Just Chatting |
Party Games until Animal Crossing releases | 20-3-2020 01:46 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Quarantined but still have anime and animal crossing | 21-3-2020 01:05 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
Ashley says I suck at this | 22-3-2020 02:49 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
Meme Monday | 24-3-2020 01:37 | Just Chatting |
Let’s chat and play games | 25-3-2020 00:23 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
Let’s chat and play games | 25-3-2020 00:30 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
Short Home Making Stream for good boys and girls | 26-3-2020 01:36 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
Making Big Booty island the best island | 27-3-2020 01:49 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
Making Big Booty island the best island | 29-3-2020 22:16 | Animal Crossing: New Horizons |
MEME MONDAY | 31-3-2020 01:55 | Just Chatting |
I’m a Vgirl now. Simps only pls | 2-4-2020 03:13 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Chatting with you, maybe some memes, then maybe a game | 3-4-2020 01:39 | Just Chatting |
Chatting with you homies, BIG FAN MAIL OPENING, then memes or games | 4-4-2020 01:40 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday on SUNDAY WOWOWOW | 6-4-2020 00:27 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday on SUNDAY WOWOWOW | 6-4-2020 00:29 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday on SUNDAY WOWOWOW | 6-4-2020 00:34 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday on SUNDAY WOWOWOW | 6-4-2020 00:36 | Just Chatting |
Chatting then some Animal Crossing! | 7-4-2020 01:43 | Just Chatting |
We’re making lovers | 8-4-2020 02:24 | Making*Lovers |
We’re making lovers | 8-4-2020 02:29 | Making*Lovers |
We’re making lovers | 8-4-2020 03:30 | Making*Lovers |
We gonna make a lot of lovers | 10-4-2020 02:44 | Making*Lovers |
Fan Friday Fun | 11-4-2020 03:11 | Just Chatting |
Fan Friday Fun | 11-4-2020 03:55 | Just Chatting |
SELLOUT SUNDAY on bunny day | 12-4-2020 22:48 | Just Chatting |
We’re dating Virtual Ashley and making her our lover for the first time | 14-4-2020 01:28 | Making*Lovers |
We got sound effects now. Don’t troll me | 16-4-2020 01:04 | Just Chatting |
Going on dates with Virtual Ashley again. | 17-4-2020 01:54 | Making*Lovers |
Party games (that may go on youtube) | 19-4-2020 01:07 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Out of shape weeb tried to get fit on camera as girlfriend watches | 20-4-2020 01:20 | Ring Fit Adventure |
Out of shape weeb tried to get fit on camera as girlfriend watches | 20-4-2020 01:25 | Ring Fit Adventure |
Meme Monday | 21-4-2020 01:10 | Just Chatting |
Chill Meme stream AND need help from viewers for new gameshow! | 23-4-2020 01:35 | Just Chatting |
We dating a girl and trying to keep her | 24-4-2020 03:12 | Making*Lovers |
Nekopara Virgins with Projekt Melody and Nagz! | 24-4-2020 22:00 | Nekopara Vol.1 |
Ashley is giving a haircut live because I look like an offbrand protagonist. | 26-4-2020 02:23 | Just Chatting |
Ashley is giving a haircut live because I look like an offbrand protagonist. | 26-4-2020 03:15 | Just Chatting |
Ashley is giving a haircut live because I look like an offbrand protagonist. | 26-4-2020 03:18 | Just Chatting |
Party games with 7 other awesome peeps! | 26-4-2020 19:27 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Dating a virtual girl and trying to keep her happy | 29-4-2020 02:34 | Making*Lovers |
Weeb Wars Gameshow Premiere!!! | 29-4-2020 19:12 | Just Chatting |
Weeb Wars Gameshow Premiere!!! | 29-4-2020 19:34 | Just Chatting |
Making more weeb wars questions with chat, then memes | 1-5-2020 01:05 | Just Chatting |
Making an anime girlfriend lover with my real one next to me | 2-5-2020 02:59 | Making*Lovers |
Nekopara continued with Nagzz and Projekt Melody | 3-5-2020 22:09 | Nekopara Vol.1 |
Meme Monday woo woo (sellout sunday but later) | 5-5-2020 01:24 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday woo woo (sellout sunday but later) | 6-5-2020 01:08 | Just Chatting |
Making Weeb wars questions then MEMEMEMEMEMES! | 7-5-2020 23:22 | Just Chatting |
Trying out the new mana game for the first time | 9-5-2020 02:06 | Trials of Mana |
Nekopara with Melody and Nagzz. Let the fun begin | 10-5-2020 22:06 | Nekopara Vol.1 |
Meme Monday Funday | 12-5-2020 02:05 | Just Chatting |
Epic Girl Party Time | 13-5-2020 02:31 | Trials of Mana |
Weeb Wars Ep 3 with Projekt Melody and Silvervale!!! | 14-5-2020 00:52 | Just Chatting |
Making Weeb Wars questions then MEMES | 15-5-2020 01:04 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Saturday | 17-5-2020 02:10 | Just Chatting |
Terraria with Ashley who is a total neeewb | 18-5-2020 00:39 | Terraria |
Lost Pause reddit memes and fanmail LIVE | 19-5-2020 01:14 | Just Chatting |
WEEB WARS Rustage vs Tekking101 | 19-5-2020 22:03 | Just Chatting |
WEEB WARS Rustage vs Tekking101 | 19-5-2020 22:15 | Just Chatting |
Late night #1 Boruto Stan Weeb Wars questions stream | 22-5-2020 04:30 | Just Chatting |
It’s hot JRPG waifu time | 23-5-2020 02:12 | Trials of Mana |
Doki Doki time with Melody, Silver, Mouse, and Bunny!!! | 23-5-2020 23:13 | Doki Doki Literature Club |
Terraria going into hardmode for the first time with Girlfriend!!! | 26-5-2020 01:22 | Terraria |
Chill Video tuesday and meme | 27-5-2020 01:59 | Just Chatting |
WEEB WARS my GF vs my BF | 28-5-2020 00:58 | Just Chatting |
weeb wars questions and memes! | 30-5-2020 02:04 | Just Chatting |
Terraria and chill with Ashley. Maybe final boss | 31-5-2020 02:36 | Terraria |
SELLOUT SUNDAY ON SUNDAY WUT | 1-6-2020 01:06 | Just Chatting |
WEEB WARS Nagzz vs Rin Asobi | 2-6-2020 23:12 | Just Chatting |
WEEB WARS Nagzz vs Rin Asobi | 3-6-2020 00:13 | Just Chatting |
Nekopara finale! | 4-6-2020 01:21 | Nekopara Vol.1 |
Weeb Wars question making and meme jam | 5-6-2020 00:27 | Just Chatting |
Doki doki with all the girls | 6-6-2020 22:06 | Doki Doki Literature Club |
Meme Monday | 9-6-2020 00:15 | Just Chatting |
We back in it | 10-6-2020 02:54 | Trials of Mana |
We ranking anime waifus | 11-6-2020 01:34 | Just Chatting |
Continuing the EPIC WAIFU RANK list | 12-6-2020 03:23 | Just Chatting |
Finishing the Ultimate Waifu tier list | 13-6-2020 01:16 | Just Chatting |
Finding out my girlfriend’s husbando tier list | 15-6-2020 00:30 | Just Chatting |
Finding out my girlfriend’s husbando tier list | 15-6-2020 00:47 | Just Chatting |
Finding out my girlfriend’s husbando tier list | 15-6-2020 00:51 | Just Chatting |
Meme Monday | 16-6-2020 00:31 | Just Chatting |
New Pokemon DLC | 18-6-2020 01:37 | Pokémon Sword/Shield |
Looking at memes with chat | 19-6-2020 03:10 | Just Chatting |
Some Helltaker demon waifu time | 20-6-2020 01:51 | Helltaker |
WEEB WARS Merry vs Cari | 21-6-2020 01:12 | Just Chatting |
It’s Meme Monday baby! | 23-6-2020 01:22 | Just Chatting |
Lost Pause Subreddit meme stream | 24-6-2020 03:19 | Just Chatting |
Cutie Dark Souls | 26-6-2020 02:19 | Little Witch Nobeta |
Weeb Wars Questions | 27-6-2020 01:26 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday on Sunday | 29-6-2020 01:25 | Just Chatting |
Cutie Souls | 30-6-2020 00:51 | Little Witch Nobeta |
Chill Senpai in Space | 1-7-2020 01:40 | Satisfactory |
Addicted to this game | 3-7-2020 01:35 | Escape From Tarkov |
Meme Stream | 4-7-2020 01:33 | Just Chatting |
Undertale with Nux, Melody and Mouse | 5-7-2020 22:13 | Undertale |
Meme Tuesday | 8-7-2020 03:13 | Just Chatting |
Editing Undertale collab stream | 9-7-2020 01:15 | Just Chatting |
Party Games with Chat cause I love you | 10-7-2020 02:18 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3, Jackbox Party Packs |
I heard you guys like memes | 12-7-2020 00:51 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday | 13-7-2020 01:13 | Just Chatting |
Discussing New Anime Season | 14-7-2020 03:17 | Just Chatting |
Meme Night before new Paper Mario | 17-7-2020 03:18 | Just Chatting |
It’s a me, Noble | 18-7-2020 03:39 | Paper Mario: The Origami King |
Doki Doki Time with Silver, Bunny, Mouse and Mel | 18-7-2020 22:05 | Doki Doki Literature Club, Just Chatting |
Meme Monday – SO CLOSE TO NEW EMOTE SLOTS! | 21-7-2020 00:20 | Just Chatting |
Moar Paper Mario – Pushing new emote slots! | 22-7-2020 01:11 | Paper Mario: The Origami King |
Searching for BAD ANIME OPINIONS and memes | 23-7-2020 03:20 | Just Chatting |
Party Games while thinking of new sub emotes =) | 25-7-2020 01:06 | The Jackbox Party Pack 3 |
Playing my fav game with the bois | 26-7-2020 01:09 | Escape From Tarkov |
Meme Monday – Brock Cosplay at 2k subs! | 28-7-2020 01:05 | Just Chatting |
Late Night BOIZZZZ | 29-7-2020 04:06 | Escape From Tarkov |
New Fairy Tale RPG | 30-7-2020 03:41 | Fairy Tail |
Hi I like anime girls, wanna be friends? | 31-7-2020 03:16 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday woooooo | 3-8-2020 00:49 | Just Chatting |
A google translated visual novel, but great anime tidders | 4-8-2020 03:02 | Tricolour Lovestory, Escape from Tarkov, Just Chatting |
2 Year anniversary w/ Ashley Streams. | 5-8-2020 02:06 | Fall Guys |
Looking at my reddit | 6-8-2020 01:18 | Just Chatting |
THE MOST COMPETITIVE WEEB GAMER | 7-8-2020 02:54 | Fall Guys, Just Chatting |
Fan Mail Opening and Chill | 8-8-2020 02:22 | Just Chatting |
BOIZ NIGHT w/ Nagzz, Nux, and Briggs | 9-8-2020 23:30 | Fall Guys |
Fall Guys with broz | 12-8-2020 03:38 | Fall Guys |
Golf with the homies | 13-8-2020 01:41 | Golf It! |
Meme Stream for degenerates only | 15-8-2020 03:36 | Just Chatting |
Sellout Sunday FINALLY ON A SUNDAY | 17-8-2020 00:03 | Just Chatting |
We out being a booli | 18-8-2020 02:16 | Fall Guys |
Tarkov Tuesday | 19-8-2020 03:04 | Escape From Tarkov |
Meme surfing with a chill dude | 21-8-2020 04:07 | Just Chatting, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout |
Subathon Goal setting then Memes | 23-8-2020 02:28 | Just Chatting |
Fall Guys with Ashley who needs her 1st win | 24-8-2020 01:26 | Fall Guys |
Ranking a bunch of AMAZING ANIME in a tier list | 26-8-2020 03:45 | Just Chatting |
Wet Anime Girl racing | 27-8-2020 01:49 | Jet Girls |
Reddit Surfing | 28-8-2020 03:32 | Just Chatting |
SUBATHON SATURDAY | 29-8-2020 23:55 | Just Chatting, Jackbox Party Packs, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout |
SUBATHON SATURDAY | !subathon | 30-8-2020 04:05 | Twitch Sings, Jump King |
Meme Monday | 1-9-2020 02:07 | Just Chatting |
Every time someone subs/donates, I gotta make a lewd noise punishment | 2-9-2020 01:04 | Fall Guys |
Among Us Streamer/Youtuber Party | 2-9-2020 23:09 | Among Us, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, Golf With Your Friends |
Lost Pause Reddit and fanmail unboxing! – NEW EMOTES! | 5-9-2020 01:06 | Just Chatting |
Check twitch broadcasts page for list of all streams