About Us

Some info about our team members


I’m the creator of this site and also the creator of the Lost Pause Backups YouTube channel. I regularly save videos from Lost Pause and upload it if the video gets removed. At the moment I have thousands of videos saved and some of them I upload to the Lost Pause YouTube channel if they’re safe enough for YouTube.


The same AngryAlienSpaceship from twitch, YouTube and Discord. Is the one that takes care of saving the streams, and also saved some videos. He also saved a lot of Lost Pause clips to upload them to his You Tube channel, and to send them to Noble to make future Funny Montages.


The third person that joined our team. Also has a decent amount of Lost Pause videos saved.

Voidstar (ImUnmoved)

He takes care of our public reputation and engages with the community by managing the Lost Pause Backups twitter, and is the ad-hoc representative of the staff.  The go-to guy for questions, concerns, and comments.


King takes care of social media as well, making sure the community is kept up to date with important news from the LPBackups community.


Amazing artist. Created the banner for our site.


Uploaded the Persona 5 streams.

Links to Noble/Lost Pause himself:

His Main Channel
His 2nd Channel
His Twitch
His Twitter

Link to the Lost Pause Backups YouTube channel:


For questions, suggestions or other important messages you can send us a message using this form:


·       Please understand that we’re NOT trying to get any profit from this, or any kind of benefit. This is purely created to let people re-watch Nobles old videos or for new Lost Pause fans who’ve never seen his old videos 

·       The majority of the videos we have are in 360p. This is because having the big amount of videos we have, they weight a lot, so to save some space, their quality were reduced. These videos will be uploaded, but if someone has the same video in a better quality, please contact us, and we’ll replace it with the better quality version. (The number one priority is to upload all his deleted videos no matter what quality they are)

·       While we do not wish for the site to become its own entity, we always want to work towards streamlining the website to suit the community needs.

·       To
reiterate: We, the staff of Lost Pause Backups, state that we do not seek ANY
monetary gain from this website.  We only seek to give Noble a place to
put his stuff should it not be accepted by the YouTube demonetization paddle.